Monday, April 25, 2016

Learning to code in Java

Java is a complex programing language that is mainly used for object orient programming. It is mainly used to develop apps for android devices. The language of Java is very compact but highly flexible because a lot of tools are present on the core language to provide functional flexibility. One of the most interesting features of Java was that it utilized a powerful concept of API.

An API which is Applied Programming Interface that is built into CSS-HTML interface for website. It can be used to manipulate videos on webcams and generate 3 Dimensional images. One can also apply third party API systems from other softwares in order to incorporate their functionalities into your own site. For, example one can incorporate the functionality of facebook and twitter into their own webpage by applying their respectives API's into their Java. 

We can code the data based applications using Android  studio. Android studio is a helpful software used to develop apps.
We used a website that I will cite below in order to learn JAVA.[1] The website is basically one giant article with a number of subsections. Other sources that we recommend are code academy and any other book on coding with JAVA and last but not least a good instructor to help you out when you need help debugging a program.


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